
Understanding the Model Music Curriculum (UK08)


Understanding the Model Music Curriculum (UK08)


This course will will help primary and secondary music subject leaders and head teachers to decide whether this model curriculum is something that they might wish to adopt in their own school, and provides insights for how adoption of this curriculum might work in practice.
Price includes access to this online self-guided course for 6 months, and a certificate on completion of a short assignment.

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Further Information & Course Brochure

Further Information & Course Brochure

Watch the introductory video for this course here

This course provides an independent analysis of the non-statutory ‘Model Music Curriculum’ released by the UK government for potential use in England’s primary and secondary schools. The course covers the content of the curriculum, and how this relates to current best practice pedagogy and research on musical development. It will help primary and secondary music subject leaders and head teachers to decide whether this model curriculum is something that they might wish to adopt in their own school, and provides insights for how adoption of this curriculum might work in practice.